Circle Dance & Tea at Kettlesing Millennium Hall on Saturday 25th June from 2.00 to 6.00 p.m.
This event was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came and supported Women for Women International so generously. See my blogpost dated 30th June for some lovely photos.
Card-Making Workshops on Tuesday 12th July 1.30-3.30 p.m. and 7.30-9.30 p.m.
at Harrogate Baptist Church, Victoria Avenue, Harrogate
Thank you to Carmen Sawers for organising these brilliant workshops. And thank you to everyone who participated. Some beautiful cards were made and a good time was had by all!
The Perfect Week-end Treat at the Ascot House Hotel, Kings Road, Harrogate from 2.00 til 6.00 p.m. on Saturday 13th August
I'm so grateful to everyone who came and supported this event. And to all the people who worked so hard to make it possible - the therapists, the stall holders, the staff at the Ascot House Hotel and the group of volunteers who helped me. A BIG, BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!
The day went really well! Loads of lovely women came and spent loads of money and the amount raised was an amazing £1,110!
Charity Dance at Pateley Memorial Hall in Pateley Bridge on Friday 16th September -
from 8.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight
This was an amazing evening! The hall was beautifully decorated, the music was delightful and the dancing was lovely to watch and take part in. I'm so grateful to Brian, Terry and all the helpers in the kitchen who produced a fantastic supper. I'd like to thank my husband, Glyn, and friend, Lizzie Rosewood who helped to sell tickets and raffle tickets, and helped to clear up after the delicious supper and tidy up at the end of the evening. Thank you also to Steve McEnaney who took some great photos which will appear on this blog shortly.And most of all - to everyone who came - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Ceilidh at the Cairn Hotel on Sunday, 25th September, 7.30 to 11.00 pm.

The Dark Horse Ceilidh Band really put us through our paces. Right from the start everyone threw themselves into the spirit of the evening - there was no hesitating or waiting for others to get up first. And we raised the fabulous sum of £744!
Talks and presentations to groups
I am available to talk to groups, like Rotary clubs, Women's Institutes, Business Forums, etc., schools and organisations about my trek and the work of Women for Women International. Please email me if you'd like to arrange a talk - My aim with these talks is to raise awareness about the charity and inspire people to donate or help in any way they can with raising funds.